William (Bill) Ivinson
Artist Member

William (Bill) Ivinson

Murin Ger

Painting on all media; Editioned prints; Photography, video, sound or media work; Textiles including fabric and fashion

Artist Member

William (Bill) Ivinson

Murin Ger

Bill Ivinson is my name. I am 68, of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island descent. My mother's Language Group is Murrin Ger, and her country is Kurungu via Wadeye in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Northern Territory. My Father's country is Erub Island within the Torres Strait. I was born and raised in Darwin and have lived permanently in Qld since 1989 when I moved to Queensland so my children could grow up alongside their country as Wakka Wakka people.
I have recently completed forty-five years of working experience in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs in Queensland and the Northern Territory. This period included delivering services as a sworn Probation and Parole Officer throughout the Northern Territory to remote courts and communities for four years.

My background has included developing and delivering education and training options for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander people and service deliverers that know 'bugger all' about us. My achievements in training have been recognised throughout Registered Training Organisations nationally and TAFE Qld sector to which I was both a Head of School and Senior Training Development Officer.

I have performed critical roles in the child protection system in Queensland as it affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, while working as Principal Advisor, Indigenous Coordination with the former Department of Child Safety.

My employment as an Indigenous Policy / Liaison Officer with the Queensland Police Service Commissioner's Office covered all justice areas. I was a former employee of DATSIMA and wrote the Qld Govt Response to Implementation of Recommendations into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Amongst other relevant employment, I have successfully managed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services in Queensland and N.T. and was an initial signatory to the original petition to the Commonwealth Attorney-General instigating the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

I have extensive experience in the design, and delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Accredited Cultural Training Programs and Specific Skills Training to professional personnel.

I have earned high recognition in working effectively with communities requiring specialised needs analysis and program delivery and in 2013, was given credit via a special award from the Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission. Now they call the Crime and Corruption Commission, and I provide them with formal cultural advice on individual matters. Last year I received a special award from the Commissioner of Police for continued voluntary work as an Elder with policing issues in Qld.

I have over the years performed my successful consultancy services which include training, research and developmental projects, but my limited health capacity now severely restricts my involvement. I am medically retired due to a mosquito bite that attacked my heart with the Barmah Forest Virus and left me with an enlarged heart.

I currently work from home as an Author/Artist/Trainer and run Cultural Art courses at night for Aboriginal people looking to regain their identity. Not long ago, after thirty-five years collecting information, I released a 325 page, fully illustrated book - Australian Bush-plant Usage by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Recently (3 years ago) I finished full-time employment after three years as a Senior Adviser with the Family and Child Commission in Queensland.

I have completed Post Graduate Criminology and Justice studies this year to enable recognition for many of my findings over the years in my close association with our peoples from N.T., W.A. and Qld. I intend to enlighten anyone who is looking to gain that experience with anything I can pass on. Thank you for being so kind as to read right to the end.
Mumuk Munbaya (Thanks, talk soon),
Bill Ivinson

Contact details
  • QLD

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