Ninuku Arts Indigenous Corporation
Painting on all media
Ninuku Arts Indigenous Corporation
Ninuku Arts is a Dealer Member of Indigenous Art Code Ltd and a signatory to the Indigenous Art Code of Conduct (the Code). We are located on the tri-state border in South Australia, and service two small communities - Pipalyatjara and Kalka. Ninuku Arts has roughly 40 artists working at the art centre throughout the year with approximately 15 permanent more senior artists in regular attendance. All artworks produced at Ninuku provide extra income and many opportunities for expanded cultural experiences for artists and community members.
Contact details
- http://www.ninukuarts.com.au/
- Ninuku Arts, PMB 47 Kalka Community, Kalka, SA 0872
- manager@ninukuarts.com.au
- 0419359326
- 74 934 642 240
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM